Covert information warfare – busted!

Fecha de grabación: 23 abr. 2020
Visto: 16 veces

Propaganda represents the intensive manipulation of information so as to influence perceptions and the ability of the target audience to make objective decisions. Disinformation refers to an entire array of tactics and strategies used to propagate false, inexact or out of context information.

Coordinated by Manuel Gertrudix & Rubén Arcos Martín 

Written by Cristian Ivan

Edited by Claudia Martin Carnerero-Lara

Visual Identity by Juan Romero Luis

4.3.1. - MOOC Strategic Communication to Counter Security Threats in the Disinformation Era. CRESCEnt Project 2018-1-RO01-KA202-049449. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ - European Union - MOOC coordinator:

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